At this time, applications and interest forms are closed for our Homebuyer Program. Please check back on January 1st, 2025 for updates. We would like to provide you with an alternative resource, the Community Council of South Central Texas, their contact number is 830-625-6268. Comal County Habitat for Humanity Home Program guidelines are listed below.
Homebuyer Guidelines
Did you know?
- We sell the homes to our families – the homes are NOT free!
- The homes are financed through a long-term, affordable interest loan.
- Habitat families help build their homes with help from volunteers.
- Habitat families must complete 350 hours of “SWEAT EQUITY” before they can move into their homes.
Do you qualify? We consider these 5 things:
- Does your annual income meet our guidelines? Find your ‘Family Size’ in the chart below. If the annual income for all members of your family falls in the range for your family size, you meet the first qualification.
HUD Income Guidelines for 2024

- Have you lived or worked in Comal County for the past 12 months?
Can you pay a long-term mortgage? You must be able to show that you have income to pay for the loan.
Do you have a legal residence in the United States?
Can you successfully pass a criminal background check?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to all five questions, you should consider applying for our program!
Our Homeowner Selection Committee will begin the selection process and stay in touch with you so you will know the status of your application. In addition to the five qualifications above, we will consider the condition of your current housing, the amount of debt you have and how you are managing your current finances, and your willingness to partner with us.
Additional Information
- You will be considered for a Habitat home if your present housing is not adequate and you are unable to obtain adequate housing through other conventional means. Lack of adequate housing may include the following: problems with the present structure, problems with water, electrical or sewage service systems, heating system issues or failure to meet city property maintenance standards. The number of bedrooms versus the number of people living in your current home is also taken into consideration.
- The percentage of your monthly income that you currently spend on housing is considered to determine need. You will be required to openly and fully discuss your financial situation with interviewers.
- You and your family will be considered if your annual total income falls between 30 to 75% of the median income for Comal County.
Ability to Pay
Since you will be buying your house from us, you must demonstrate your ability to pay the monthly mortgage payment. This payment will not only include the mortgage, but also the payment for real estate taxes and insurance. We will help you determine if this payment will jeopardize your ability to meet all your other family financial obligations and expenses. We can also help you if you need to develop a budget to determine your eligibility. The family will be expected to save a down payment of 1% of the cost of the house.
Willingness to Participate as a Partner with Habitat
- When selected, you become a “partner family”. As a partner family you will be responsible for 350 hours of “Sweat Equity.” This sweat equity may be accomplished in construction of your house and the houses of others. This may include clearing of the lot, painting, helping with construction, providing food for volunteers, working in the Habitat office and attending Homeownership Classes. The homeowner(s) must complete 150 of the sweat equity hours themselves. They can receive credit for the remaining sweat equity hours by having friends or family join in the work.
- You will be responsible for the maintenance and repairs of your house from the time you sign the mortgage.
- After moving into your house, the Family Support Committee will maintain an ongoing relationship with you for a minimum of six months. This includes financial counseling and household maintenance education.